Community Garden Day

If you have the time and energy, we’ll be working in the garden from 5:00 to 7:00 pm Sunday afternoon, April 3. Join us for the fun.

The primary tasks are filling and planting the 5x5x5 buckets for any seniors that may care for one. A 5x5x5 bucket is a five gallon bucket, planted with five pole green beans that will produce about five pounds of green beans. The buckets can sit on a patio near the back door and give some of our folks a real garden experience. The other tasks are to plant a row of collards, a row of zucchini, and a block of corn.

It’s great fun and fellowship so bring a hoe or hard rake, join us at the Tipps’ farm at 1022 Persimmon Lane in Ledbetter, and have some fun.

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